Hello I'm
Hii, This is Rohan kumar, a CS Student, Pursunig B.Tech Computer Science , And I am a MERN Stack Developer, And Learning Mobile App Development. I love to code and looking for new ideas to implement in real life. I am always ready for offers regarding internships and freelance Projects.Thank You to visit my portfolio, I'm Glad that you're here.!

Instagram Clone
Instagram Clone is a MERN Based Realtime web Application in which almost all features avaliable same as Instagram , Its Frontend is based on React JS and backend is based on Nodejs , expressjs and MongoDB used as a Database.
- Mongo
- Express
- React
- Node

Converter-X is a web Application which do the basic conversions like PDF to Word , Image Compression , Text To speech voice recognition , Image to Pdfs , It is based on Reactjs and some powerful npm libraries and APIs which run in backend in this Application.
- React
- JavaScript
- npm

Weather App
Weather Application is just based on React js and Weather API which shows weather from the location that we provide.
- React
- WeaterAPI

Convox Chat App
Convox chat app is a socket.io based Realtime chat Application , Socket.io based on node,js anyone can join the chat by the same link and do chat.
- React
- ChatEngine
- socket.io
- node.js
I prefer React JS and Next JS as a Frontend and Node JS, express JS as BackendThere are some Technologies that i Know these are my Skillsets, Have a Look !
- Front-End Dev
Experience with
React.JS, Next.JS, HTML, CSS - Back-End Dev
Experience with
Node.js and Database - Mobile App Development
Experience with
React Native , Expo - IDE / Code Editor
Experience with
Microsoft Vs-Code - Version Control System
Experience with
Git , Github - Database/ Services
Experience with
mongoDb , SQL, Firebase , Firestore - Programming Languages
Experience with
JavaScript , C++, C, , Python , Java
About Me
I love to code all day and build new things daily. ! I started Code from 2019 and here is my Journey ..!
Started my journey, Learn Web Development and Python Automation
Build Some Projects on MERN and Learn Data Structures And Algorithums
Start Learning Mobile App Development and Looking For Tech. Internships
Coursera: Frontend Development With React JS
Coursera: Server Side Development With Node, express
Coursera: Introduction to Git and Github
GUVI: Step into Robotics Process Automation
Google: Advance Google Analytics
Accenture: Digital Skills AND Artificial Intelligence